Before you move here

In the foreground are houses surrounded by bush. The background shows the Wellington harbour with Matiu island, and east harbour in the back. The sun has rays glaring from dark clouds.

If you’ve pushed the Escape key, you’ll be wondering what the next step is. Wellington wants talented people to move here, share their energy and skills, and revel in the ‘kiwi lifestyle’. No matter how beautiful the destination is, moving across the ocean to New Zealand is daunting — we want to make the sailing as smooth as possible.

Check out the information on New Zealand immigration website. Kiwis are famed for their hospitality so we’ll do all we can to help.

It is often a good idea to come out to New Zealand for a holiday before making the move. You can use it as an opportunity to experience life here, meet potential employers and check whether New Zealand is right for you.

Like everything to do with migration, successful visa applications happen more often with good planning.  A great place to start is our NZ Ready online planning tool.