Ways to maximise your return on investment

Avenues Event Management has delivered many conferences, with its offices in Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch. A lot of conferences come with sizeable sponsorship and exhibition components.

Chris says organisers must prioritise delivering tangible value and measurable benefits to partners. He has many strategies for organisers to consider.

Inside Tākina Wellington Convention & Exhibition Centre at the opening event. There is food catering and many people are mingling in formal wear.

The opening event at Tākina Wellington Convention & Exhibition Centre.

Understand objectives

It’s crucial to understand sponsors’ and exhibitors’ objectives. Listening and surveying before the conference can help identify specific needs and expectations. This way, conference offerings can align with sponsor and exhibition objectives. Organisers can then tailor packages and opportunities to deliver the most value.

Co-ordinate with sponsors and exhibitors 

Clear communication is critical to all aspects of your conference. Smooth logistics will enhance the sponsor or exhibitor experience. A sponsor may want to gain brand recognition, or new exhibitions need training. Listening to their needs and responding to them will increase the value proposition. 

Prioritise engagement opportunities 

It’s essential to place a premium on offering valuable engagement opportunities. For exhibitors, it may include dedicated networking sessions in an exhibition space. Sponsors may benefit from facilitated meetings with stakeholders. Exclusive social functions can help build brand awareness and develop/maintain key relationships. By facilitating these connections conference organisers play a pivotal role in delivering value. 

Leverage technology 

Harnessing technology elevates the experience for sponsors and exhibitors. Digital solutions can capture leads or app-based solutions can enhance sponsors’ brands. Using analytic tools allows them to keep track of their return on investment in real time. This provides valuable insights to shape future strategies.

Curate compelling content 

Focus on delivering high-quality content that attracts the right attendees. Curating relevant and informative sessions, workshops, and panels will increase attendee traffic to exhibitor booths and sponsor activations. This will help boost their visibility and exposure. 

Post-conference follow-ups 

Once a conference ends, the journey doesn’t need to as well. Follow up with detailed post-event reports. These can offer insights into attendee demographics and engagement metrics. Measure success against the objectives you gleaned at the outset. By prioritising the needs and objectives of your partners, organisers can create mutually beneficial relationships. These drive success for all stakeholders involved.