A secluded, sheltered beach located on private farmland. Pikarere Beach is a hidden inlet off Open Bay, just 5 kilometres from Porirua’s city centre.

Pikarere Beach is a hidden inlet off Open Bay, just 5 kilometres from Porirua’s city centre.

Access to the beach is from Pikarere Street. It requires walking a short distance (or via four-wheel-drive vehicles) over private farmland.

The beach is a mixture of rocks and sand with plenty of driftwood. Rolling hills surround the beach, making for a sheltered spot. On a fine day, the water is calm and clear.

If you explore the coastline, you will come across a small waterfall. Pikarere Farm and Pikarere Forest are nearby.

Location details

Jurisdiction Porirua City Council
Permits required Private land, contact Screen Wellington
Location descriptors Bays, beaches, cliffs, sea, ocean, waterfalls, ocean views, coastal cliffs, hills, rock formations, farmland.