Under New Zealand’s Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, all Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs) need to be proactively managing workplace health and safety.

Venues Wellington takes this responsibility seriously and we strive to achieve a healthy and safe environment for everyone working in or attending an event at our venues. This includes our staff, clients, service delivery partners, suppliers, guests, visitors.

Our commitment 

Venues Wellington is committed to working with you to ensure the health and wellbeing of you and your staff while in our venues. We believe in engaging in proactive conversations with all of our hirers and suppliers to ensure everyone is on the same page.

We all have a right to a safe work environment and the only way we can do this is by working together

The Venues Wellington Safety as a Service Guide covers health and safety in our venues so you can understand your responsibilities and how we can work together to achieve a safe workplace.

Download the Safety as a Service Guide version 9 [PDF, 1.29MB]

Health and Safety induction

Every person working at our venues must complete this induction before starting work.

In order to provide a safe environment in our venues, we will consult, cooperate and co-ordinate with all PCBUs we have a relationship with. This ensures we’re working together with the common goal of a healthy and safe working environment.

Completing this induction will help prepare you for working in our venues in a safe and healthy way. It does not replace the need for you to understand the risks and hazards associated with your business, and to manage them effectively.

Health and safety is everyone’s responsibility. We all have the right to a healthy and safe work environment, and the only way we can achieve this is by working together.

Start the Venues Wellington Health and Safety induction