Wellington Regional Trails

Walking time

1 hr




Walking/Running, Mountain Biking, Wheelchair/Pram


Single and double track

Walking difficulty

Easiest: Short walk

Mountain Bike Grade

Easiest: Grade 1


122m highest point


Yes (on lead)

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About the trail

Gums Loop Walk is in the Wainuiomata Recreation Regional Park. It sits at the base of one of the largest and most pristine lowland forests in the lower North Island.

This trail leads you on a gentle stroll through the park in the lower valley. You can complete it in either direction from the main car park.

The trail crosses the Wainuiomata River via a swing bridge. From there it will take you to the historic Mackay Cottage site, where there are options to walk further along for more challenging loops.

Simply follow the main trail from Mackay’s which widens and travels among native bush, gum, and pine trees. Keep an ear out for native birds as you go.

An aerial view of Gums Loop in Wainuiomata Park in Lower Hutt, Hutt Valley. It is a green forest, some grassy fields, a walking path with a small bridge over the Wainuiomata River.
  • If you’re driving, the entrance is located at 10 Whitcher Grove. Follow the road until you arrive at the main car park information kiosk. From there, you can follow the signage to the lower dam.
  • The closest bus stop is Wainuiomata South at Hine Road. From there cross the field of Hine Road Reserve to the park entry.