Rachel Robertson, Prologic Skincare Founder with Mentor, Pieta Reid.

How mentoring can help

Research shows that 76% of more than 3,000 professionals surveyed believe having a mentor is important. People with mentors were also reportedly happier with their current jobs than those without.

Another survey on the value of mentoring in empowering women shows that 94% of women having a good mentor would help them build their careers.

Receiving mentoring (being a mentee) is a form of learning or gaining knowledge from someone more experienced, whether it’s in life, a career path, or starting a business.

But it is also a two-way street, a type of relationship building that works both ways.

Small high tables in front of big windows at BizDojo, Wellington, with people talking over work projects.

What makes a good mentee?

  • Be curious. Ask questions and listen to your mentor’s perspective.
  • Be clear and receptive. Know what you want to achieve and be open to feedback.
  • Be respectful. If you don’t agree with your mentor, make it constructive and take time to discuss the why.
  • Be committed. Follow through on your commitments and expand your knowledge.

What makes a good mentor?

  • Be open-minded. You may have more experience, but listen to your mentee’s perspective and be willing to learn from them.
  • Be clear. Communicate your expectations and what you have to offer.
  • Be helpful. Understand your mentee’s needs and be willing to help them achieve their goals.
  • Be committed. Make time for your mentee and be willing to put in the effort to help them succeed.
  • Be skilled. Use your experience to guide your mentee’s thinking and help them develop their own skills.

Find a business mentor

Business Mentors New Zealand can match you with an experienced business mentor. Start your mentoring journey while growing your business and upskilling yourself as a business owner.

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