British comedian, presenter, and actor, Jonathan Romesh Ranganathan, poses wearing a grey jacket, with clasped hands and elbows resting on the edge of a table in front of a light blue wall.

British comedian, presenter, and actor Romesh Ranganathan is known for his deadpan and self-deprecating humour. He continues delivering this hilarious comedy brand on his latest touring show, ‘Hustle’. 

Romesh turns his attention to the human condition for this tour. He asks burning questions like — are people inherently good? Is charity always a positive thing? Is hustling the key to success? Is this a load of rubbish we’ve made up to keep people working hard for no reason? Join Romesh as he examines all these issues and more while providing no real answers. 

The BAFTA-award winner is a common face on television and radio voice in the UK. His television projects include ‘Rob & Romesh Vs’, ‘Weakest Link’, and ‘The Ranganation’. He hosts his own BBC Sounds and Radio 2 show ‘For The Love Of Hip Hop’.